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Ask CT Mobile App

Through support from Verizon HopeLine, The Alliance partnered with Men Can Stop Rape to launch the ASK CT app. ASK stands for assault, services, and knowledge. It is a user-friendly personal security and bystander intervention app that provides critical crisis and reporting resources. ASK CT is free, confidential and available on iPhone and Android platforms. It serves as an opportunity to promote bystander intervention and coordinated responses to sexual violence.

Recent research shows that whether it is at work, during leisure, on campus or at home, 1 in 4 women between the ages of 18-35 are victims of sexual violence. The timely national expansion of ASK comes with growing awareness about the need to combat all forms of gender based violence that’s been generated by a recent slew of polarizing media coverage depicting incidences of sexual violence in communities across the country.

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English: 1-888-999-5545 (Call or Text)

Español: 1-888-568-8332