Participants will gain tools to craft their own primary prevention strategy that addresses rape culture and incorporates bystander intervention. This training is open to the public.
Posts Tagged With
bystander intervention
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Our New PSAs
The Alliance and CT Department of Public Health released their new public service announcements.
Radio La Bomba Discusses Sexual Violence in Latinx Communities
Radio La Bomba invites one of our Victim Advocates to discuss sexual violence in Latinx communities on the Morning Show with DJ Metrix.
CONNSACS Quarterly Prevention Meeting
September 8th, 2015, 10:00 am to 11:30 am. We will be discussing the Where Do You Stand? CT Campaign
and updates from the RPE meeting at the National Sexual Assault Conference.
Where Do You Stand?
On February 18, 2014 CONNSACS will be offering two workshops for men to learn how they can be a part of the solution to prevent sexual violence at 10AM and 5:30PM.