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About Us

Mission and History

Our Mission

The mission of The Alliance is to prevent sexual violence in Connecticut and foster a statewide network of support for victims and survivors.

The Alliance envisions a world in which every person is doing their part to prevent sexual violence, every member center has the resources they need to serve their communities, and every survivor has support.

In carrying out our mission and pursuing our vision, The Alliance is guided by the following core values: victim-centered decision-making, empowerment, compassion and empathy, accessibility and choice, diversity and inclusion, intersectionality, dignity and respect, safety and confidentiality, wellness and self-care, integrity and accountability, collaboration and partnership, and community-building and engagement.

To request access to The Alliance’s IRS Form 990 and/or Annual Report, please contact us.

Our History

In 1979, a group known as the Connecticut Alliance of Sexual Assault Services was meeting on an irregular basis. This group was comprised of a variety of service providers who were concerned about victims of violence throughout the state. Their concern was manifested by seeking to offer victims with a multi-disciplinary approach to meeting their needs. With time, the rape crisis centers in Connecticut began to see that they had a different identity from the other organizations who were part of this group.

On July 13, 1982, ten rape crisis centers met and decided that they would withdraw from that group and form their own coalition—Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services, Inc., otherwise known as CONNSACS. It was incorporated as an organization in January 1982. Membership was limited to direct service rape crisis centers, and the main goal was working to reduce the number of sexual assaults throughout the state and to assist victims and their families in dealing with the trauma of sexual assault.

In 2015, CONNSACS changed its name to Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence.

Need Support?

Contact the Statewide 24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline

English: 1-888-999-5545

Español: 1-888-568-8332