CONNSACS celebrated our official NEW NAME, Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence, with a special cake.
Governor Announces Working Group to Address Untested Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits
Defining the Problem The State of Connecticut Commission on the Standardization of the Collection of Evidence in Sexual Assault Investigations found 879 Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kits sitting on shelves of law enforcement agencies across Connecticut that had...
CONNSACS Quarterly Prevention Meeting
September 8th, 2015, 10:00 am to 11:30 am. We will be discussing the Where Do You Stand? CT Campaign
and updates from the RPE meeting at the National Sexual Assault Conference.
CONNSACS Training: Connecticut Men: Where do you stand?
Join the conversation about how men can help to prevent sexual violence!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, CT
CONNSACS Highlights Voices of Latin@ Survivors of Sexual Violence
Corazón Lastimado, or Healing the Wounded Heart, is a survivor art project that seeks to highlight voices of Latin@ survivors of sexual violence.
CONNSACS Chosen to Participate in Safe States’ Evaluation Institute
CONNSACS staff members traveled to Atlanta in May to participate in an intensive two-day Evaluation Institute, hosted by Safe States and the American Public Health Association.
CONNSACS’ Women of Color Caucus Against Sexual Violence Holds Annual Retreat
WOCCASA holds a retreat annually to allow members a chance to take a step back from their daily tasks and focus on working purposefully in the anti-sexual violence movement with an anti-oppression framework.
CONNSACS Introduces Advocate Training for PREA
This training introduced advocates to the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act and the types of facilities and programs in their community that house or serve incarcerated and formerly incarcerated persons.
CONNSACS Is Working with the State to Prevent Sexual Violence in Schools
CONNSACS is working with DCF, SDE, advocates and community members to create a statewide sexual violence prevention plan that will be implemented in grades K-12 across Connecticut.
Governor Malloy Pledges to Address Kit Backlog
Governor Malloy pledged to form a statewide, multidisciplinary working group to address Connecticut’s backlog of 879 sexual assault evidence collection kits.
CONNSACS 2015 End of Session Legislative Report
Read about legislation that affected sexual assault victims and survivors in the 2015 Connecticut Legislative Session
Experts Discuss Ways to Set up an Effective, Compassionate Victim Notification System
Ilsa Knecht (Joyful Heart Foundation) and Natasha Alexenko (Natasha’s Justice Project) came to CONNSACS to share their experiences in setting up a trauma informed protocol for victim notification.
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Contact the Statewide 24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline