On Thursday, April 17, over 100 sexual assault victim advocates and community service providers joined CONNSACS for our Annual Meeting & Breakfast at the Pond House in West Hartford.
Events Blogs
These posts are about events hosted or attended by The Alliance.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
Check out events that are happening statewide.
CONNSACS Sponsors the Mandell JCC New England Premiere and Campus Screening of Brave Miss World
Join CONNSACS staff for “Reel Talk” following the 18th Annual Mandell JCC Hartford Jewish Film Festival New England premier of Brave Miss World.
CONNSACS Engages Media in New Campaign to Address Sexual Violence in Latin@ Communities
CONNSACS hosted a Media event with Connecticut’s leading Latin@ reporters to share and discuss new materials, messages, and outreach to Latin@ communities in Connecticut.
Where Do You Stand?
On February 18, 2014 CONNSACS will be offering two workshops for men to learn how they can be a part of the solution to prevent sexual violence at 10AM and 5:30PM.
CONNSACS Celebrates 30 Years of Advocacy
On Thursday, May 9th, over 125 supporters gathered to celebrate CONNSACS’ 30th anniversary with a gala at the Governor’s Residence in Hartford.
Connecticut Rose!
We rose in Hartford! Thank you to everyone who rose up, spoke out, and danced as part of One Billion Rising. The energy was palpable, the dancing was incredible, and the speakers were powerful. This was truly a historic event.
The CONNSACS Annual Meeting & Breakfast
On April 27th, 2012, CONNSACS held its annual meeting at the Inn at Middletown. In attendance were Governor Malloy and First Lady Cathy Malloy, CONNSACS staff, member program representatives, and community allies. The meeting was an opportunity to elect the...