During the 2014 legislative session, more than half of the Connecticut General Assembly’s male lawmakers signed on to CT’s first statewide sexual violence prevention campaign, Where Do You Stand?
Sexual Violence in the News
These posts contextualize stories about sexual violence and educate about issues that are covered by the media.
In Sexual Relations, No Substitute for ‘Yes’
This week, lawmakers will hear public testimony on making affirmative consent a state standard on CT campuses. CONNSACS intern, Meg Grant, speaks to the issue in today’s Hartford Courant!
Consent 101 with Laci Green
The CT legislature is considering a bill to require campuses to define “affirmative consent”. To help with some of the confusion around what consent looks like, we thought we’d share this helpful video by Laci Green!
Rape, By Any Other Name, Is Still Rape
“…men who are motivated to rape would do well with personalized prevention programs – but first the men have to admit that “forcible sexual intercourse” is and always will be rape.”
President Obama delivers PSA at the Grammy’s
“It’s on us – all of us – to create a culture where violence isn’t tolerated, where survivors are supported, and where all our young people – men and women – can go as far as their talents and their dreams will take them.”
This Video of an Indian Girl Confronting her Alleged Harasser on a Flight is going Viral
“You decide the action, I will decide the reaction.”
“It Happened Here” Documentary Screenings
A second documentary, “It Happened Here”, follows women from Amherst College, Vanderbilt University and the University of Connecticut who went public about how their schools mishandled their sexual assault cases. Screenings will be held on college campuses as part of the White House’s It’s On Us Campaign.
Blumenthal, Murphy Tackle Women’s Health
“The 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade marked the passing of federal legislation that considerably violates women’s constitutional rights. CT Senators Murphy and Blumenthal are fighting back by proposing the Women’s Health Act.”
See “The Hunting Ground” Official Trailer
From the director of ‘The Invisible War’, comes a powerful film about campus sexual assault. Take a look at the trailer …full movie out in March!
The Debt
When terrible, abusive parents come crawling back, what do their grown children owe them?
Penn State Still Doesn’t Get It
“Suing to restore Paterno’s wins revealed a lapse of judgment on the part of Penn State supporters.”
Connecticut Lawmakers Make Campus Sexual Assault a Priority
On Tuesday, February 11th, lawmakers held a public hearing on the proposed bill which seeks to improve the response to victims of sexual assault and increase prevention education and training at all Connecticut institutions of higher education.