In a new public service announcement, Governor Malloy and First Lady Cathy Malloy discuss the urgent need for Connecticut residents to talk about sexual violence and to reach out for help if they have been assaulted. The PSA continues the first couple’s ongoing efforts to acknowledge the widespread impact of sexual violence and break the silence surrounding the issue. Avon-based marketing firm Mintz & Hoke Communications Group donated services to write and produce the PSA.
Many survivors of sexual violence are ashamed and embarrassed about the abuse they experienced and feel as though they cannot talk about it. They may stay silent because they believe the assault was their fault and that no one will believe them if they disclose. When public figures like the Malloys are willing to talk about sexual violence and reassure survivors that they are not alone in their experiences, it makes it easier for victims to come forward and access the help they may need to heal.
CONNSACS would like to thank the Governor and First Lady for their willingness to be part of this project; Mintz & Hoke for donating their time, equipment, and expertise; and the Governor’s communications team for their assistance in coordinating the video shoot.