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The Healthcare Provider Toolkit

The Connecticut State Department of Public Health provided funding to the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence to develop a toolkit for healthcare providers about supporting patients who are victims/survivors of sexual violence. Because sexual violence and related trauma impact physical, mental, and sexual health, healthcare providers must have the tools they need to provide the best health care and resources to their patients who have experienced sexual violence. This toolkit provides an overview of sexual violence and how it affects short and long-term health and well-being and ideas for how healthcare providers can build their confidence and capacity to have difficult conversations about sexual violence with patients.

The toolkit contains:

  • A booklet/mini-handbook for providers
  • Brochures that let patients know that their provider is a safe person to discuss their experiences of sexual violence with, why it is helpful to disclose this information, and suggestions for how to begin the conversation with their provider
  • Posters that let patients know that their provider is a safe person to discuss their experiences of sexual violence with and why it is helpful to disclose this information
  • Wearable supportive messaging, such as enamel pins and stethoscope badges, to let survivors know their healthcare provider is a safe person to disclose sexual trauma to
  • Stickers with supportive messaging to survivors

Request a toolkit by filling out our form.

The Alliance will also offer a series of trainings to introduce the toolkit to health providers. Follow us on social media to keep up with our latest trainings.

Toolkit Walk-Through

Please note that this video was filmed while The Alliance was still drafting the toolkit booklet, which has since been completed. Please disregard the requests you will hear to fill out a survey.

Print Resources

Healthcare Providers – BrochureHealthcare Providers - BrochureDownload
Healthcare Providers – PosterHealthcare Providers - PosterDownload
Healthcare Providers BookletHealthcare Providers BookletDownload

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Contact the Statewide 24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline

English: 1-888-999-5545

Español: 1-888-568-8332