Below you’ll find a collection of resources to support you in your work serving survivors who are justice impacted. Scroll down to watch “What You Need to Know to Support Incarcerated Survivors” – a training conducted in collaboration with Just Detention International.
Intro to Prison Rape Elimination Act 101
Facilitators: Edward Cervantes, Jamila Cervantes & Kris Mady,
Just Detention International
The Alliance collaborated with Just Detention International (JDI), a health and human rights organization that works to eliminate sexual violence in all forms of confinement. Thanks to support from the National PREA Resource Center, JDI provided a three-part series to advocates across the coalition to learn about the Prison Rape Elimination Act, what the PREA standards enable anti-sexual violence advocates to do, how to support incarcerated survivors through a variety of methods, and how to effectively communicate with corrections officials.
Providing Services to Incarcerated Survivors
Facilitators: Edward Cervantes, Jamila Cervantes & Kris Mady,
Just Detention International
Survivors who are incarcerated experience unique systematic barriers in accessing services. In this training, Just Detention International guides advocates in navigating the criminal legal system and meeting the needs of incarcerated survivors.
Building Relationships with the Department of Corrections
Facilitators: Tara Graham Matthew Van Winkle, Just Detention International
As anti-sexual violence advocates, how can we build collaborative and sustainable relationships with staff at Department of Corrections?
JDI facilitators review the open MOU with the Connecticut DOC highlighting the roles and responsibilities of all parties. The trainers will orient participants to corrections culture and how to work with corrections partners to ensure services to incarcerated survivors. The session will also explore additional ways to work collaboratively with corrections to support staff training and education of incarcerated people. Participants will be guided in the development of an action plan.