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Useful Links

This page contains a variety of resources about sexual violence and for victims/survivors of sexual violence. If you would like more information or need additional support, please connect with the following organizations and resources.

Studies and Statistics

National Center for Victims of Crime
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Gender Based Violence Resource Library
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Sexual Violence Research Initiative
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence

Victim/Survivor Rights and Legal Options

Connecticut Law About Victims’ Rights
Statement on Connecticut Victims’ Rights
Rights of Victims of Crime (CT State Constitution, Article XXIX)
Connecticut Office of the Victim Advocate
State Guidelines for Sexual Assault Exams
Connecticut Office for Victim Services
Connecticut Legal Services, Inc.
Greater Hartford Legal Aid
New Haven Legal Assistance Association
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Office of Civil Rights

Human Trafficking

National Human Trafficking Hotline
International Institute of Connecticut
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
International Justice Mission
State Report Cards: Grading Criminal Record Relief Laws for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Disability Organizations

The Arc


Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness


Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery
RehabSpot Information Database
Addiction Campuses in Connecticut

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention

Survivors of Incest Anonymous
Stop It Now
Stop the Silence
Advocates for Youth
End Rape on Campus

Teens, and Young Adults

Survivors of Incest Anonymous
Stop It Now
Stop the Silence
Advocates for Youth
End Rape on Campus

Adults with Problem Sexual Behaviors

Center for Sex Offender Management
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Primary Prevention

Prevention Institute
Prevent Connect
Jackson Katz

Survivors of Color

Women of Color Network
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Abuse
INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence
Mending the Sacred Hoop
Tribal Court Clearinghouse
Sneha, Inc.
Black Women’s Rape Action Project
Arte Sana
Libertad Latina

Male Survivors and Allies

Male Survivor
1 in 6
Men Can Stop Rape
White Ribbon: How to Be a Good Guy 101

Abuse by Clergy Members

Clergy and Educator Abuse Survivors Empowered
Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests
The Hope of Survivors

Sexual Assault Coalitions from Other States

The National Sexual Resource Center (NSVRC) collected the contact information of all state, territory, and tribal coalitions against sexual violence into a single list.

Need Support?

Contact the Statewide 24-Hour Toll-Free Hotline

English: 1-888-999-5545

Español: 1-888-568-8332