A Big Picture Update on Sexual Assault Response and Recovery: Part 1
Webinar Published on January 28, 2021
This 2-part training hosted by the Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence looks at the strengths and gaps in effective sexual assault response and recovery. Jo Johnson, a social worker for over 40 years, completed a three-year fellowship at the Office for Victims of Crime gathering information on what exists, and what is needed to improve our response to sexual assault.
These videos and their content are the intellectual property of Jo Johnson. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of these videos without permission is prohibited. You may reference content from these presentations in your own work using the below citation. If you have any questions or would like permission to use any content outside of this scope please contact Jo Johnson at jomoretobe@gmail.com.
Johnson J. A Big Picture Update: Part 1. Presented virtually at: The Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence; January 6, 2021; online. Available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uOFPPFHCYw.
Webinar Transcript
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