Sexual Violence Against Native Women: Past & Present

Webinar Published on October 14, 2021

Unlike women of all other racial groups, Native women are more likely to be sexually assaulted by people who are not Native. Sexual violence against Native women has a deep, brutal history in the United States, beginning with Christopher Columbus and the colonization of Native land. In this training, participants will learn about sexual violence against Native women, the history of colonization, and sexual violence as a tool of oppression.

Floripa (she/they/him) is a two-spirit auntie from the Pueblo of Isleta and Navajo Nation. She received her BA in Ethnic Studies at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. While studying at Brown University, Floripa found her passion for work against issues of violence, especially sexual violence. Now at the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women, Floripa is interested in working in solidarity with Black and Indigenous voices against sexual violence.

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