The Trauma Connection: The Effects of Childhood Sexual Trauma and Statute of Limitations Reform
Learn from two of the foremost experts about the effects of childhood sexual trauma and statute of limitations reform across the United States to inform the next steps for Connecticut.
What You Need to Know to Support Incarcerated Survivors: Prison Rape Elimination Act 101 Intro
The Prison Rape Elimination Act was passed by Congress in 2003 to address the prevalence of sexual violence in correctional facilities. The Act funds research and implementation of zero-tolerance standards to detect, prevent, reduce, and punish sexual violence in prisons Join us to learn more about PREA and the role of anti-sexual violence advocates in supporting incarcerated survivors.
Preventing Violence Against Children: Cross-Sector Collaboration in Latin America
This presentation highlights lessons learned about institutional collaboration and cross-sectoral work at the national, subnational, and local levels in Latin America, that can be translated to prevention strategies in the United States.
Anti-Violence Advocacy & Criminalized Survivors
In this training, we examine some of the underpinnings of the criminal legal system that pose particular challenges for survivors, explore three models to help us understand the ways in which survivors are criminalized, identify various sources of violence and barriers criminalized survivors experience, identify possible supports criminalized survivors may need, and practice centering values that uplift the complicated realties of surviving both sexual violence and the criminal legal system.
Sexual Violence Against Native Women: Past & Present
Unlike women of all other racial groups, Native women are more likely to be sexually assaulted by people who are not Native. Sexual violence against Native women has a deep, brutal history in the United States, beginning with Christopher Columbus and the colonization of Native land. In this training, participants will learn about sexual violence against Native women, the history of colonization, and sexual violence as a tool of oppression.
Una Introducción a la Prevención del Suicidio a Través de la Práctica de Cuidado Comunitario
Este taller altamente interactivo utiliza escenarios de casos relevantes y juegos de roles para mostrar las habilidades de comunicación necesarias para tener conversaciones sobre el suicidio con Sobrevivientes de Asalto Sexual.
An Introduction to Community Care Practice with Sexual Assault Survivors
This highly interactive workshop uses relevant case scenarios and role-plays to showcase the communication skills needed to engage in conversations about suicide with Sexual Assault Survivors.
Sexual Violence is a Public Health Problem: Collaborating Across Sectors
If sexual violence were a disease, epidemiologists might characterize it as hyperendemic (or persistently and highly prevalent) across the globe. Studies consistently show alarmingly high physical, emotional, social, and financial costs associated with experiencing sexual violence. However, sexual violence is preventable, and taking a public health approach to addressing sexual violence is critical to preventing and ending sexual violence.
Suicide Prevention from a Racial Justice Lens Part 2
This is the second of a two-part workshop exploring the social and cultural factors that create risk and/or protection for suicide in Latinx and Black communities. This workshop also offers an overview of community care values that can be used to support those in distress.
Suicide Prevention from a Racial Justice Lens Part 1
Presented by Ysabel Garcia, of Estoy Aquí LLC. This is the first of a two-part workshop exploring the social and cultural factors that create risk and/or protection for suicide in Latinx and Black communities. This workshop also offers an overview of community care values that can be used to support those in distress. At the end of the two-part workshop, participants will be able to: identify specific social and cultural factors that create risk and/or protection for suicide in Latinx and Black communities; deconstruct suicide myths and taboos that exist in our language, culture, and media; recognize the signs that indicate someone might be at risk of suicide; and apply community care values to support those in distress.
Our Power in Advocacy: Vicarious Trauma and Burnout
Our Power in Advocacy is a three-part series offered by Tabitha Thomas of Creative Coaching. Tabitha, a facilitator with 14+ years experience doing anti-violence work, founded Creative Coaching in 2018 in an effort to help build more sustainable movements.
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