Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) have “opened a formal inquiry into the U.S. Coast Guard’s alleged lack of transparency and mishandling of dozens of sexual assault cases by high-ranking officials between 1988 and 2006,” reports News 8. We are grateful to these leaders for pursuing justice, digging into these alleged crimes, and holding people—especially those in power—accountable for their action
For the Press
These posts are press releases and other public statements from The Alliance.
Alliance Joins Every Voice Coalition In Advocating for Campus Survivor Protections
The Ct Alliance to End Sexual Violence, Every Voice Coalition CT and legislators met Monday to voice their support for a proposed bill that would extended protections for survivors of sexual violence on college and university campuses and express a need for the bill...
The Alliance Announces Leadership Transition
The search is underway for a new Executive Director of Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence.
Proposed Title IX Changes Would Roll Back Protections and Harm Students
We stand in strong opposition to the proposed rules.
We Stand with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and All Survivors
We watched as Dr. Blasey Ford shared her testimony of a traumatic sexual assault before the Senate Judiciary Committee and millions of Americans.
We Believe Dr. Blasey Ford
Survivors, advocates and Senator Blumenthal called for a non-partisan and trauma-informed investigation of Dr. Blasey Ford’s allegations.
VRCCT Attorneys Join The Alliance
The Victim Rights Center of Connecticut will be joining us.
Statement on Charlottesville
Read our statement condemning the acts of violence committed by white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia.
New Billboards Feature Connecticut Men
Billboards are on display in Hartford, Waterbury and New Haven to promote our Where Do You Stand? Connecticut campaign.
SAAM Kick-Off and Lobby Day
Advocates, lawmakers and members of the general public came together for a special event and lobby day.
Advocates and Allies Kick Off SAAM with General Assembly Members
Advocates and allies gathered in Hartford on the National Day of Action to kick off Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Governor Malloy Pledges to Address Kit Backlog
Governor Malloy pledged to form a statewide, multidisciplinary working group to address Connecticut’s backlog of 879 sexual assault evidence collection kits.