With the 2014 Legistative Session underway, take a look at CONNSACS’ legislative priorities.
Sexual Violence in the News
These posts contextualize stories about sexual violence and educate about issues that are covered by the media.
CONNSACS Invited to join U.S. Senator Blumenthal at Roundtables on Campus Sexual Assault
U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal has asked CONNSACS to assist in organizing a series of roundtable discussions with students, survivors, sexual assault victim advocates, campus staff and administrators to learn more about campus sexual violence in our state.
It’s time to talk about child sexual abuse.
President Obama Signs the Violence Against Women Act
On March 7th, President Obama signed the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which has provided funding and support to combat sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking since 1994.
Connecticut Rose!
We rose in Hartford! Thank you to everyone who rose up, spoke out, and danced as part of One Billion Rising. The energy was palpable, the dancing was incredible, and the speakers were powerful. This was truly a historic event.
January is Stalking Awareness Month
6.6 million adults are stalked each year in the United States, including many survivors of sexual violence.
State Supreme Court Releases Dangerous Decision in Sexual Assault Case
New ruling puts victims with disabilities at risk.
New Laws Going into Effect on Oct 1
The 2012 legislative session ended in May, but many of the laws passed during the session are just beginning to go into effect.
CONNSACS Responds to Congressman Akin
Missouri Congressman Todd Akin recently taped a television interview in which he said that rape rarely results in pregnancy because, “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”
Advocates and Congressmen Call for Passage of the “Real” VAWA
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) has been improving the response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking for nearly twenty years. VAWA, which was first passed in 1994 and subsequently reauthorized in 2000 and 2005, is a comprehensive legislative package that has brought together law enforcement, victim advocates, healthcare professionals, social service providers, and others to share information and use their distinct roles to improve community responses to violence against women.
Governor Malloy and First Lady Cathy Malloy: It’s Time to Talk about Sexual Assault
In a new public service announcement, Governor Malloy and First Lady Cathy Malloy discuss the urgent need for Connecticut residents to talk about sexual violence and to reach out for help if they have been assaulted.