Teaching bodily autonomy results in a child who is capable of setting boundaries, feels empowered to say ‘no,’ and is able to navigate a world that often does not set them up for success. 1. Let children know they’re the boss of their bodies. Emphasize and...
Studies and Resources
The Alliance frequently publishes information about studies and resources for preventing sexual violence and supporting victims and survivors of all demographics. Those posts are aggregated here.
8 Maneras de Enseñar a los Niños sobre el Consentimiento y los Límites Saludables
Enseñar autonomía corporal da como resultado un niño que es capaz de establecer límites, se siente empoderado para decir 'no' y puede navegar en un mundo que a menudo no lo prepara para el éxito. Hágales saber a los niños que son los jefes de sus cuerpos. Enfatice y...
Grooming 101: How to Spot it; How to Stop It
What is Grooming? Grooming is a tactic in which someone methodically builds a trusting relationship with a child or young adult, their family, and community to manipulate, coerce, or force the child or young adult to engage in sexual activities. The person grooming...
2020 Webinars and Panels
LGBTQ+ Panel Bridget Koestner, The Alliance's QCASA(Queer Caucus Against Sexual Assault and Campus Services Coordinator, leads a conversation on the intersectionality of LGBTQ+ rights and the anti-sexual violence movement. Panelists Farron Harvey, J.D. Melendez. and...
SAAM Info Booths
The Alliance and CT Department of Public Health teamed up to host an information booth at the Legislative Office Building.
Survey on Offender Sentencing, Registry and Management
Connecticut residents are encouraged to share their experiences and concerns in an online survey.
Transforming Justice: A Training with Tiq and Kim Katrin Milan
This will be an in-depth look at the experience of sexual violence, emphasizing Black, Native and Latinx LGBTQ people.
Dare to Dream Fund Now Accepting Applications
A scholarship or stipend will be granted to an individual who displays leadership and commitment to sexual violence prevention and victim advocacy.
The Needs of African American Survivors of Sexual Assault
A new study focused on the distinct experiences, responses and needs of African American women who are victims and survivors of sexual assault.